Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ugly Crack Head

So I was walking downtown and this ugly crackhead came up to me and wanted to know why I was snapping her pic, whenever I told her her dumb self started asking for money that she used to be a model, we can see which teeth she took out to get all the gigs on the crack head weekly and with that hair she has going on you know it has been at least a month since she wiped her butt.

Bubba In Jail

When the girl from the earlier post was smiling she knew where bubba was, but now that he is in jail she is crying, it sounds like a gulping bird dying under a giant cat turd and this guy could care less. One of his three chins used to belong to Oprah and whenever he smiles ... well you don't want to know. This guy will have a great time in jail especially with his cell mate Grace who is a 300 lb black guy ready for some white meat.

Nice Teeth Sally

If it is not her yellow teeth it is her nice unibrow or maybe that tumor she has growing on her forehead, whenever it came to the ugly tree this girl wasn't blessed enough to know how to walk around it, or the ugly forest. Her gulping smile looks like she is about to poke out of the screen and go after the nearest thing she can grind her teeth on or stick up her nose.

Ugly Gap On Prettier Face

Prettier face is me being sarcastic of course, do a google search for Ugly People and this woman is one of the first pictures you will see. I have never seen a person quite liker her walking around and where I live that is saying a lot. This woman isn't quite the prettiest but I bet you she has a personality of gold.